Pertussis Vaccines

Pertussis Alert 
Due to Recent Pertussis Outbreak in Suffolk County

Do Your Part To Prevent The Spread Of Pertussis 

* Pertussis is also known as "whooping cough" because of the "whooping" sound that is made when gasping for air after a fit of coughing that can last up to 100 days 

*Pertussis can cause serious illness and can even be life-threatening, especially in infants 

*Worldwide, there are 30-50 million cases of pertussis and about 300,000 deaths per year 

Healthcare personnel who have direct patient contact should be vaccinated! 
Walk-in to Employee Health & Wellness 
7am-4pm Monday - Friday 
Must have "Hospital Access" on SB ID Badge

Please call Employee Health & Wellness at 4-7767 
for further information.